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What are the Benefits of Nylon Webbing?

Dec. 01, 2022

Nylon webbing offers a range of advantages, not only for high-stress strapping items, such as those requiring seat belts, cargo nets, and a range of military applications; but also in the fashion world, such as belts and straps. This has made them popular in a wide range of industries, from aerospace to fashion, and from equestrian sports to freight. This article will discuss a number of advantages of nylon webbing.


Nylon webbings


Nylon webbings


Abrasion Resistance

Abrasion resistance measures the ability of a material to withstand damage and wear caused by friction. Nylon's ability to withstand high friction makes it an excellent choice for applications where straps will repeatedly slide or rub, such as mountain straps and skydiving. And if handled properly, nylon webbing can be used repeatedly for years without showing signs of wear or tear.


High Tensile Strength

High tensile strength is the maximum stress a material can withstand before it breaks, such as being pulled or stretched by extra weight. This makes nylon a durable material that can be relied upon to perform safety-related tasks even under the harshest conditions. 


Chemical Resistance

Nylon webbing can easily handle exposure to alcohols, ethers, and cleaning agents, including those used in dry cleaning and oils used in the automotive industry, and has good resistance to dilute acids and common alkalis, making nylon webbing ideal for applications that may be contaminated with chemicals. It should be noted, however, that they will decompose in strong acid mixtures.


Temperature Resistance

With a melting point of 250°C and the ability to withstand temperatures down to -80°C without any loss of strength, nylon webbing can be relied upon to withstand both high and low temperatures. It can also be coated with a flame retardant coating to further increase its heat resistance for use in fire projects. The ability of nylon webbing to handle extreme temperatures makes it an excellent choice for the aerospace industry and any application that must withstand high and low temperatures without loss of strength.


Soft and lightweight

Nylon webbing can be made into a smooth, comfortable finish for belts and more, allowing users to wear it longer and more comfortably. The shiny texture and smooth feel are key attributes of nylon webbing.


UV Resistant

Nylon webbing with added stabilizers is highly resistant to UV rays, which means they retain its color and do not suffer damage or degradation in the sun as some other materials do.


Dye Affinity

Nylon can be dyed to almost any color or shade, which makes it an attractive choice for the fashion industry and for equipment that requires precise color matching.
Are you looking for reliable nylon webbing for your business? If so, then you've come to the right place. You can always browse our website to learn about the quality nylon webbing we sell and feel free to contact us with questions.

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